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The Y Schools intentionally create innovative learning environments that are creative, engaging, and challenge the accepted ‘norms’ of what constitutes a classroom.

By creating spaces, that provide a conscious sensory experience, our classrooms increase students’ sense of safety and creativity, whilst also providing a place for belonging and connection.

Our learning areas and classrooms provide a wide mix of furniture, different sensory items like textured chairs, blankets, cushions and ottomans, tables and chairs at different heights and bean bag chairs, which offer a wide range of comfort and self-directed options for all students. 

The aim of the Thrive learning space is to provide an understanding and establish an engaging environment that places the student in the optimal position of success through being grounded, centred and present.”

When young people enter a space for learning, they understand that their experience of learning is likely to be delivered in a way that best meets their needs.

Learning Zones and Their Meanings

At The Y Schools, we create diverse learning environments to meet the varying needs and moods of our students.

Our campuses include diverse spaces intentionally designed to curate to different group sizes, different learning needs or activities and different moods. Our design includes four distinct categories of learning zones, each tailored for specific purposes:

Camp Fire

These spaces are designed for small group work and feature flexible furniture that can be easily rearranged to suit different learning activities. The Camp Fire setting fosters collaboration and connection, much like gathering around a campfire.

Watering Hole

Ideal for social learning, these informal spaces are perfect for one or two students to use for short periods. They feature basic seating with small writing surfaces like ledges. Positioned in “waste” spaces such as corners of buildings, gardens, or walkways, these areas often have nearby amenities like a coffee cart.


These private learning spaces provide a quiet and personal environment for focused, individual work. They include shared table spaces at either writing height or coffee table height. Outdoor spaces designed for social and informal learning also fall into this category, providing shelter and comfortable seating.

Mountain Top

These private learning spaces provide a quiet and personal environment for focused, individual work. They include shared table spaces at either writing height or coffee table height. Outdoor spaces designed for social and informal learning also fall into this category, providing shelter and comfortable seating.

Sensory – The Five Senses

It is estimated that 90% of the young people attending our schools have a history of trauma.

Research informs us that trauma impacts the lower regions of the brain (the survival brain) which responds and reacts to it’s environment. Thrive classrooms are set up to ‘speak to’ and calm the Survival Brain by focusing on the five senses.


Thrive classrooms are visually appealing and a calm space with no clutter, simple lines, ambient lighting and soft colours with a ‘less is more’ approach so as not to overwhelm young people on the Autism spectrum or those with ADHD or similar presenting issues.


Thrive draws from the research from Doterra Essential Oils, with each classroom fitted out with an oil burner and an array of Essential Oils.


Soft music, soft tone of voice.


A variety of tactile items are set out in the classroom including soft furnishings, fidget toys.


An offering of fruit, platters, warm or cold drinks is available to students.

Creativity and Connection

We are committed to nurturing both creativity and connection within our learning environments.

We understand that creative expression is a vital part of a student’s development and wellbeing. Our spaces are thoughtfully designed to inspire and accommodate the creative pursuits of our students.

We encourage artistic exploration, from visual art and musical instruments to digital media and maker spaces.

These resources enable students to engage in diverse creative activities, whether they are painting, crafting, composing music, or developing digital projects.

We prominently display students’ creative works throughout the spaces around campus.

This practice not only celebrates their accomplishments but also fosters a deep sense of personal connection to the space. By seeing their own and their peers’ work on display, students feel valued and take pride in their contributions, making the classroom a more welcoming and safe space.

Our approach ensures that each student feels a sense of belonging and ownership in their learning environment, which is crucial for emotional and psychological safety.

By intertwining creativity and connection, we create a dynamic and supportive atmosphere where students can thrive both academically and personally.


Student safety is a top priority, and we are dedicated to creating an environment that supports both physical and psychological wellbeing. Our innovative learning spaces are intentionally designed to enhance safety in all aspects.

Physical Safety
Naturally, student safety is a top priority at school, but we go beyond the traditional measures, such as equipping rooms with flexible adaptive furniture that can be easily rearranged to suit the modularity of our campus spaces, reducing the risk of accidents that may happen with traditional classroom furniture. We incorporate soft plush fabric wherever possible and sensory-friendly materials and quiet zones to accommodate students with sensory sensitivities, providing them with a safe and comfortable environment.
Psychological Safety
Beyond the physical aspects, we recognize the importance of psychological safety in fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Our spaces are designed to be calm and welcoming, with soft colours, ambient lighting, and minimal clutter to reduce stress and sensory overload. We provide cozy, private areas where students can retreat when they need a quiet moment, promoting a sense of security and comfort.

By prioritizing both physical and psychological safety, we ensure that every student feels secure, supported, and ready to thrive in their educational journey.


Our multi-disciplinary program takes a holistic approach to education, focussing on each individual as a whole person. Our three-pillar methodology ensures students:

  • are supported physically and mentally, with a wellbeing-first approach
  • are confident and independent, and in charge of their future destinies
  • foster a healthy relationship with lifelong learning, in and out of school

This well-rounded methodology supports students into becoming happy, healthy, successful and contributing members of our community.