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Queensland Certificate
of Education

The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is Queensland’s senior secondary schooling qualification.

It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements.

A QCE can open up pathways towards further study or careers in the future. It is not amandatory requirement, as bridging courses may be used in lieu.

From grade 10, all Senior students complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan and co-develop an Individual Learning Plan in consultation with our staff and their parents/carers. This plan is developed to align with the students’ goals, interests, strengths and ability. Students are given the opportunity to determine which learning pathway is best suited to them and give them the greatest opportunity to meet their goals.

This pathway may or may not include a QCE for each student, but our aim is for all students at Y Schools Queensland to be supported to be on track to receive a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). For some students, this is achieved upon Graduation (at the end of year 12), and for others, it can be received up to seven (7) years after Graduation. Y Schools Queensland will support students in enrolling into further education who wish to continue learning after year 12.

Typically students wishing to obtain a QCE will participate in the Essential Skills Suite, but Y Schools Queensland recognises that there are many pathways to achieving a QCE. Many students opt to undertake additional Vocational Education and Training courses to achieve this, particularly if they participate in the Foundation Vocation Suite. Below are some example pathways that students can take to achieve a QCE with Y Schools Queensland.

Essential Skills Suite

  • Year 11
    Essential English Unit 1 & 2
  • Year 11
    Essential Mathematics Unit 1 & 2
  • Year 11
    Social and Communities Studies Unit 1 & 2
  • Year 11
    Certificate II
  • Year 12
    Essential English Unit 3 & 4
  • Year 12
    Essential Mathematics Unit 3 & 4
  • Year 12
    Social and Communities Studies Unit 3 & 4
  • Year 12
    Certificate III

Foundation Vocation Suite

  • Year 11
    Short Course Literacy
  • Year 11
    Short Course Numeracy
  • Year 11
    Certificate II
  • Year 12
    Certificate III
  • Post-school
    Certificate III / IV